Let’s Talk!

I believe I’ve mentioned once or twice that I am an introvert. I sit at my desk the better part of the day, writing what’s in my head, oblivious to the outside world. To avoid disappearing entirely inside my head, I have learned to go out and meet readers at conferences or book signings, and more recently, on social media like Facebook and in newsletters to my readers.

But I keep forgetting that readers who don’t follow my newsletter and Facebook may come here to learn more about me. To you, I owe an apology. I so seldom receive responses here that I forget this blog exists. Like most people (except those who enjoy talking to the wind, as one reader put it!), I need reaction to keep a conversation going.

I will be happy to just post about upcoming releases (NO PERFECT MAGIC, June 27!), but if you’d like to read about other topics, tell me what you’d like me to write about. It’s a source of constant amazement that people actually want to hear what I have to say, but cooped up without a sounding board all day, I’m always happy to chat.


11 thoughts on “Let’s Talk!”

  1. Thank you for the free book. I truly enjoyed the book I just finished and was sorry to see it end. Fitz and Abby were delightful,

  2. Hi again Ms. Rice! Thank you for generously encouraging reader questions! I have a couple of questions for you. First, sorry if this is boneheaded of me, but how does one obtain ARC’s of your books?

    My other question is much broader. I have been perusing your original Magic series with Ninian, Felicity, Mora and the rest, and enjoying them more than ever, and will soon begin on your newer Magic books. When and how did you come up with the inspiration and development of that original series? The stories appear so economical, so interconnected, and so uniform, but I know they must not have felt that way to you the whole time! What were some of your challenges along the way?

    Respectfully… Jenny Van de Poel

    • I don’t know where my original reply went but it went something like this—The original Magic series started with that forest scene of Ninian in my head–a madly talented girl who is ignored by the village because she’s “different.” The only thing I can call interconnected about my lack of plotting is that the basic premise of these books are that the Malcolm women have inexplicable abilities and defy logic, while the Ives men are all about science and logic. So the entire series has a basic conflict. Every book has its own unique challenges. Perseverance is the only way to overcome them!

      • Thank you for your many attempts to answer! I received no notifications. I’m sorry your words were lost. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but hearing about your process, which to you is routine and almost tedious, to me is ambrosia. Authors seldom discuss the anecdotes from behind the scenes of specific projects, but when they do, it’s my favorite thing to read about.

  3. I have been seeing alot of news about your magic series. Are there any plans for a new genius book to come out soon ?

  4. Speaking of “No Perfect Magic”…. The last time I heard from you, you said, “ARCs for NO PERFECT MAGIC, book six in the Unexpected Magic series, will be going out soon.” I’m sitting on the edge of my seat…. any idea WHEN?

    • Please don’t fall out of your seat! The ARCs are up and ready to go as soon as my assistant has time to prepare a newsletter. Since she’s doing a heap of other things right now, I don’t know when that will be. When you have a really good assistant, you don’t rush her! It’s a June 27 release, and I’m betting she’s scheduled it for June.


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