Twisted Genius

Twisted Genius

Can a family of geniuses really be worth the effort?

All Ana Devlin has ever wanted was a home for her younger half-siblings. Now she has half a mansion plus half a fortune to go with it. But what good is sanctuary when her family insists on creating chaos and endangering lives in their relentless pursuit of justice?
Bent on revenging old debts, Ana’s mother, Magda, is back in town, making a mockery of a powerful presidential candidate. Ana’s brother Nick has found a boyfriend—who nearly gets them both killed for blowing the whistle on a pharmaceutical company’s dangerous painkiller. Ana’s lover, Graham, is out to destroy a Russian hacker who dared attack his secret servers. Her sister Patra is breaking the news story of the century—connecting drug lords and politicians and dangerously wealthy industrialists.
And Ana is the one who is in jeopardy. Can a family of geniuses really be worth the effort?

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About the Book
Series: Family Genius, Book 5
Genre: Mysteries
Tag: Book 5
ISBN: 9781611386912