Holiday Crush

Book cover for Christmas Enchantment

Why are all our big holidays crushed together in such a short time?

It seems I’ve only put away the Halloween spiders and was hunting for turkeys and wondering whose oven I can borrow because everything bakes at different temperatures. And wow, now I’m supposed to find Christmas gifts? And put up wreaths? It’s 80 out there, folks! Did someone speed up time while I wasn’t looking? Are you feeling like the year is whizzing by?

I need to find a way to slow down. Watching Christmas movies might do it, except I’d probably fall asleep. I guess that’s called slowing down. . .

Hope you and yours had a lovely turkey day, for those giving thanks, and that you’re more prepared than I am for the upcoming holidays!

However you celebrate, may it be with joy and the people you love.

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