
Do you have any idea how difficult it is for an introverted, stay-at-home writer to make friends? So finding my tribe has always been essential. But moving here to Southern California where distance is measured in traffic, I was daunted. I knew there were authors in the area, but we just never got organized. I figured everyone else was busy and well. . . Introverts. But I’m happy to say a more energetic author moved to the area and quickly organized us, and I now have writers to talk to again!

All this to say. . . socializing is an extremely important part of our lives. Our brains atrophy if we become isolated. So I hope all of you have a tribe to take you in, and if you don’t, that you find a way to make one. Sometimes, just the escape of chatting with friends on a computer helps. Give a hug to a friend today!

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